Our Programs and Focus Areas

The River Corps is an AmeriCorps program ran by River Science that places Members at organizations and agencies throughout Colorado to focus on improving the efficiency, efficacy, and scale of river data and management to improved recreation, water resources, and overall resiliency. To thrive in these technical positions, Members will receive comprehensive training in data collection, communication, and construction techniques.


Since 1990, River Watch has been collecting water quality data around the State of Colorado to provide the data necessary to monitor and protect our rivers. Our mission is to provide rigorous training to volunteer stewards who then monitor water quality and other indicators of watershed health. These high-quality data help educate communities and inform decision-makers about the condition of Colorado’s waters. Today, River Watch is the nation’s largest and longest running volunteer water quality collection program.


Since 2019, we have been offering certificates to high school students via our Next Generation Water Leaders Program. This currently includes two courses (1) Water Quality & Ecology and (2) Hydrology & Watersheds. These courses are designed to give students a foundational knowledge of water quality and water quantity, build student skill sets, provide student experiences, and spark an interest in water-related careers. In just a few short years, we have expanded to 15 high schools in Colorado and certified over 1,000 students.


Since 2020, River Science has been planning, designing, implementing, and monitoring process-based restoration (PBR) projects while working closely with water rights stakeholders. To date, or projects include:

  • Van Norman Project: Oak Creek

  • Big Cottonwood Creek Project: Long-term Post-Fire Recovery

  • Stone Project: Fourmile Creek

Our Partners

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Colorado River Watch

Colorado River Watch

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