River Science has been working since 2019 on projects that help explore lacking river processes and water rights concerns in the Arkansas Basin. Our current projects are on i) Oak Creek (V_N Project), ii) Big Cottonwood Creek, and Four-Mile Creek (Stone Project).

V_N Project

This project is exploring post assisted log structures (PALS) ability to trap sediment and help restore this section of creek’s incision and water rights concerns. We are working closely with the Town of Rockvale, the UAWCD and Division of Water Resources (DWR) to monitor and assess water conditions over several years following the creek’s PALS implementation. In addition to the creek’s incision (i.e. lower channel bed elevation due to aggressive erosion), the creek is also suffering juniper encroachment. Therefore, PALS were constructed with junipers that were within the riparian corridor.

Funding thanks to: CWCB, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), Canon City Rotary Club, Linn and Judy Van Norman.

Big Cottonwood Creek

This project has roots all the way back to the 2016 Hayden-Peak Fire. During River Science’s collaboration in these post-fire projects, the creek’s changes were well documented following the large flood events that significantly degrade the creek. Pre-fire and flood, this 1.5 mile stretch had approximately 8 acres of riparian footprint which was reduced to 3.8 acres following several post-fire flood events. Five years after the fire, the creek’s health was still degraded with deep incision (up to 12 feet in areas), excessive channel and bank erosion causing high levels of sediment, and very few areas offering habitat.

Funding provided by: CWCB, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment via Natural Resource Damages California Gulch Superfund Site settlement.

Information below for landowners and stakeholders


Project Assessment

Project Overview (2023)