River Watch of Colorado is a community science program that collects water quality data in Colorado’s streams so that we have a baseline of our river health. River Watch is run by the 501c3 non-profit, River Science. All donations to River Science are tax deductible. We appreciate your support.

Your donations go directly toward our Rivers, Students, and Volunteers!

To provide you with a glimpse into our internal cost here is where your dollars will directly impact our program: Your donations go directly toward our Rivers, Students, and Volunteers. To provide you with a glimpse into our internal cost here is where your dollars will directly impact our program:

  • A $30 donation given by 300 people will help us achieve 30% of our fundraising goal this year!

  • A $50 donation helps us provide essentials for one student for one year including goggles, flasks, & thermometers.

  • A $100 donation helps us buy a new pH Probe for one of our many River Watch groups.

  • A $250 donation helps us send a volunteer, teacher, or student to a (certified) River Watch training.

  • A $500 donation allows us to provide necessary macroinvertebrate equipment for a River Watch group.

  • A $2,500 donation helps us add a new monitoring location. 

  • Any donation over $3,000 will help us sponsor a River Watch group for an entire year!

WHO ARE WE: River Watch is a statewide volunteer water quality-monitoring program. Our mission is to work with voluntary stewards to monitor water quality and other indicators of watershed health and utilize this high quality data to educate citizens and inform decision makers about the condition of Colorado’s waters. This program is unique in its statewide focus and frequency of data collection.

WHAT ARE WE CELEBRATING: River Watch has turned 30 years old!

  • For 30 years volunteers have been collecting and analyzing field samples facilitating the protection of rivers in their community.

  • For 30 years River Watch has conducted laboratory analyses and delivered high-quality data to decision-makers.

  • For 30 years River Watch has provided teachers and students a way to conduct real science for a real purpose

WHY ITS IMPORTANT: River Watch is a unique in its statewide focus and how it works with schools and residents to collect high-value data. The data collected is used for decisions in Colorado’s Clean Water Act, by watershed manages, non-profits, industry, and individuals. River Watch covers an entire watershed from the top to bottom. If River Watch disappeared tomorrow, there is no other entity that would “take” its place in the monitoring community or as a resource for schools at the same scale.

We want to celebrate 30 years of River Watch with you!

As a token of our appreciation for your donation and partnership in celebrating this milestone with us, we will be sending out special Thank You gifts for donations made in 2021. The following items will be delivered to you based on your contribution levels at the end of the year.

  • One- time/Annual donation of $30-$49: Special “Shout Out” as one of our 30 for 30 partners on our social media platforms, reports, and website.

  • One-time/Annual donation of $50-$99: The above + 30yr Celebration Swag Bag (stickers, magnet, key chain)

  • One- time/Annual donation of $100-$249 or $30/month membership: The above + 30yr Celebration Hat.

  • One-time/Annual donation of $250 - $499 or $50/ month membership: The above + 30yr Celebration Shirt.

  • One-time/Annual donation of $500-$999 or $100/month or more: The above + Engraved Thermos.

  • One-time/Annual donation of $1,000 or more or $250/month or more: The above + Special Plaque Honoring You as a Legacy Sponsor of the River Watch program.

    Want to give more?

    We would love to hear from you. We are happy to set up a specialized partnership/ sponsorship with you or your organization. Give us a call. We are excited to hear your ideas!

River Watch News

River Watch of Colorado is now an approved Colorado Dept. of Education’s CDIP certification.


River Watch is now a CDIP program!

This means students can get certified and schools can get some reimbursement from the State. Click below for more information.

We Reached our Fundraising Goal

Thanks to Our 30 Year Sponsors: